21 Jun 2015


Once more we are back with yet another page from the ever so present album for my friend (HERE are the previous pages)

USED: Acrylic paint, modeling paste +orange acrylic paint + stencil : dot fade (by T.Holtz collection) , the flowers are foam stamp : poppies peonies (by  prima) , acrylic stamp "Rêver les yeux grands ouverts "or in english : Dreaming with open eyes ( by Denim tampons) and the small rounds are made with a bottle cap !

Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments !
See you soon

16 Jun 2015


Again another page of this special album for a friend.. To refresh your memory , HERE and HERE are the others pages of the same album.

The technique, that I used for this page, comes from a video (linked below)

My version with buttons :

 Music paper, acrylic paint different colors, buttons different sizes and colors, rubber stamp "life is good "( Catslife Press)

See you soon for some others pages and of course the tag T.Holtz for June !
Thank you for stopping by !

Your greetings cards /vos cartes de voeux (2)

 Yes, I'm aware that it's March. And I'm only showing you the second part of the greetings cards I received !!!  It should be po...