1 Sept 2014

Home deco (1)

Today, a simple home deco with 6 triangles !

Let's have a look at each triangle:

Base paper, ink, rubber stamp

Base: old paper , image, ink , Washi Tape

Base: watercolor paper, ink and Rubber stamp, Washi Tape

 Base: cardboard  , old map, bird made with modeling paste , ink

 Base: canvas, acrylique paint, sewing machine couture, Mesh , feather, bird embossed with silver powder

Base: mix of papers (musical score, old duty of maths) rubber stamp and Distress ink , wood birdcage

 That all for now,
Thanks for checking it out.
Have a great day !

1 comment:

  1. very very pretty! tres chouette la combinaison des couleurs
    bises depuis la californie
    bye bibiana


Thank you for your comment ! Have a good day .

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