9 Jun 2016

Pink, pink

Today I present to you my new canvas inspired by the color pink!
Je vous présente aujourd'hui ma nouvelle toile inspirée par la couleur rose !

What did I use ?
 Qu'est ce que j'ai utilisé ?

First layer with Martha Stewart paints : raspberry ice, piment habanero, pink carnation.
Modeling paste with template  Prima stencil. Coloring with distress paint : cracked pistache, peacook feathers, moved lawn, picked rasberry , spiced marmelade .

stamp : stamp club scrap , ink Heih swapp hot pink
Frame (old stuff) with modeling paste and painting with : Ranger products : "Dylusions paint" : postbox red, and "Distress paint" : moved lawn, cracked pistachio, picked raspberry, spiced marmelade and " Paint Dabber" : grape soda, lemon twist
Colors pen and paint tube : recycling stuff from my kids

 Finishing : Glam Glimmer Glitter paint : chandelier

I thought that this stamp's message was lovely and positive. It would be good to be read it often!
J'ai trouvé que le message du tampon était agréable et positif, n'est -ce-pas ? Il serai bon de le lire plus souvent !

Thank you for stopping by.
 Have a good day.
See you soon.
Merci de votre visite .
Bonne journée et à bientôt !

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