12 Feb 2016

Gelli Plate - Mixed Media

These past few days , it has been raining a lot so as usual when this happens I whip out my paints! I decided to used my "gelli plate" that was brand new ( just used it one time , shame on me ) to do some papers for a special project.
Let's see the result :

Two layers : blue background, purple on top ( Dylusions paints: vibrant turquoise and crushed grape)
and before printed , I used bubbles wrap.

One layer : green ( Dylusions paints: cut grass ) and I used a comb before printing .

One layer : blue and I used a stencil ( Prima)  before printing

Two layers : yellow and orange ( Dylusions paints: lemon zest and squeezed orange ) 
I made no special technique before printing

I've got many more however I'll stop here or else it'll take up too much space!
This was very easy to use, very easy to clean and the result ...I love it !!!

So now, let's see what I made with these papers  :

Book with little folders

The cover 

Inside:  the mini folders
                             ( little gifts inside: ribbon, dies, badge, embellishments ...) 

I used Washi Tape to close the pockets

 and the back cover 

I splashed some black ink everywhere (Bombay  black India ink) and all the stamps that I used are from T.Holtz collection ( Stampers anonymous life quotes CMS 227 and fairytale frenzy CMS 058

That's it for today !
Thank you for stopping by !

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