22 Jul 2014

Lost your creativity ?

For this booklet in watercolor paper  I was inspired by Craft Stamper Magazine ( issue October 2013 36/37/38/39 pages ). The pages have different sizes . The background is worked  with watercolor. The borders are simple doodles made using a black pen and the pages are kept together using strips of Washi Tape.
Here is what it looks like with English translations of the text under each images.

Title:Ten things for keeping your creativity

All  together

 Cover ( creativity )

 first page : Don't force you

first page (back): Drink a coffee/tea

Second page : finish something

second page (back): Take risks

 Third page : Allow yourself to make mistakes

 third page (back) : Clean your work space


 fourth page :  Collaborate with others

 fourth page (back): Have fun

 fifth page : Listen music

fifth page (back): Get away from the computer

sixth  page : Go somewhere new

sixth page (back): Try something new

 Back cover page : Open your eyes, the inspiration is everywhere

Thank you for looking !
Have a good day .

14 Jul 2014

Another cover

Today, another cover for an alternative book !

  Part one (before stick on the initial cover ) 

I worked with canvas and with gesso white.After I glued different elements that I found in my boxes ( Letters , puzzle pieces, ticket, mesh, gaze, heart and bird in wood, papers...) I painted everything in white and began to work with modeling paste(corner left in bottom/ corner right in top and under the letters in a middle) . After everything is dry, I used some different colors of  Dylusions Ink Spray waiting for the colors to dry before using another.
To finish and protect my work, I used a layer of clear vanish transparent.
Now it's ready to stick it on the book:

And the others parts of the cover :

  The spine of the book

The back of the book

I put Waski Tape to cover the edges of the book and voilà :

Thank you for looking !
Have a good day .

9 Jul 2014


Today four canvas for four seasons.





Thanks for looking !
Have a good day.


1 Jul 2014


Hello, I would like to share with you some Mixed Media craft.
I've been crafting since a long time but Mixed Media is my new love and
it has taken more and more place in my "work "!
Today, some simple stuff : just a notebook with a new cover : I worked on a piece of canvas with acrylic paint , alcohol ink and added pieces of paper and wooden stamps.

After that I glued it on the cover and added gaze before I put the heart with the wings . I worked the heart ( free stamp from  Stamper craft Magazine /Issue February 2012) with Distress ink from Ranger + Diamond glaze and before it dried I put some Perfect Pearls from Ranger. The wings are a free stamp from  Stamper craft Magazine/ Issue March 2013.

That's all for today.
Thanks for looking, have a wonderful day.

Your greetings cards /vos cartes de voeux (2)

 Yes, I'm aware that it's March. And I'm only showing you the second part of the greetings cards I received !!!  It should be po...