14 Jul 2014

Another cover

Today, another cover for an alternative book !

  Part one (before stick on the initial cover ) 

I worked with canvas and with gesso white.After I glued different elements that I found in my boxes ( Letters , puzzle pieces, ticket, mesh, gaze, heart and bird in wood, papers...) I painted everything in white and began to work with modeling paste(corner left in bottom/ corner right in top and under the letters in a middle) . After everything is dry, I used some different colors of  Dylusions Ink Spray waiting for the colors to dry before using another.
To finish and protect my work, I used a layer of clear vanish transparent.
Now it's ready to stick it on the book:

And the others parts of the cover :

  The spine of the book

The back of the book

I put Waski Tape to cover the edges of the book and voilà :

Thank you for looking !
Have a good day .

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